Board Of Management
Mr.K.C.Srinivas – Founder and Chairman
A child is a unique gift of God to humanity with a bundle of talents hidden inside. A teacher as a mentor, nurturer, healer and an inspirer polish the various talents and virtues of the child to make him or her, a responsible citizen of the society. Children are the future of the nation. So they should be taught the right values in life to develop the feeling of brotherhood and nationalism.
Mr. Nischay Srinivas – Managing Director
“Time to Leap, Wisdom to Lead, Explore the New Horizon, Soar High.” With this frame of reference, Vijayashree Public School initiates the mechanism of synchronizing student’s, talents, passion and competence, foster and nurtures, the leaders capable of making difference as entrepreneurs. Vijayashree Public School is perceived to be an institute that sustains the two most important principles of modern education wisdom – ‘enlightened transformation’ and ‘self-induced transition’. This marks the effective transition of tomorrow.